This morning the power company scheduled 0700 replacement of one of our power-poles along the drive. The 0600 alarm cane way too early. The computer had to be turned off to prevent power surge damage. Not much to do once breakfast and morning chores were done so I grabbed the camera. First I spotted our 4 bucks and one doe picking plums off the plum tree.
I went out to grab the paper before the road became blocked. When I got back the deer were snacking away at the burn/weed pile.
Then I noticed the crop circles on the side of the pond. Not quite as fancy as they get in England but certainly strange. These circles were made in my nemesis, horse tail rush with a smattering of thistles.
They had some awesome equipment but they wouldn't loan me their cherry picker for a could weeks.
This truck carries the pole, digs the hole, puts the pole into the hole. After splicing the wiring to the new pole, the same truck tried to lift the old pole from there it had settled for 40 odd years in our thick, grey, suck-mud.
No Go. Under threat of busting the boom truck the decision was made to just cut it off. Being saturated to the core with creosote, archaeologists 1000 years from now probably will find the 4' butt still well preserved. 
The deer had moved up to the plum trees when we got back to the house. The electric crew guys were in awe but frankly all I saw was 4 sets of antlers needing the velvet scrapped off on my rhodys and ornamental trees then marking territory like punk taggers.