By coming along the river and through the woods instead of the road, Team Nookies made a grand entrance into the staging area.
Most of the day was spent watching the other teams.
This truck and trailer brought 38 Siberians.
Trask and Cedar paying close attention to the other teams.
Koyuk getting a better look.
At 3 1/2 months, Trask is already powerful.
Chinook Kasute (related to McKenzie)
Chinooks Kenna Lu and Parker
A team from the way NE corner of Washington.
Dashing Kennel from Idaho.
Chinook social break.
Oregon Siberians
The dogs really wanted to run so...
mid morning I took a short run with Cedar and Koyuk.
There were teams large and small running the trails.
Handsome Trask
Trask intently watched the entire lesson.
Then it was time to head back to the campground...
where we met a Siberian with wheels...
and Chinook Sury taking a test run with a new sako cart.
Once again the La Pine Mushing Weekend did not disappoint. Team Nookies had a blast and learned a lot.