When my sister and I were young, we used to beg for candlelight dinners to celebrate personal events like good report cards or error free recitals. (Food of choice: waffles.) Dad hated to eat by candlelight but always played along. Last night I wanted to celebrate finally getting heat in the house. I planned a wonderful dinner. Just as Dave got home from work, the power went out. The heat had only been on for a couple of hours so the house was again immediately cold. But the steaks were ready for the BBQ. Dave too hates candles and never agrees to eat by candlelight. He wanted to use our backpacking headlamps. In a back door way, I got to have a wonderful celebration dinner (steak, no way to cook waffles) by candlelight sitting at the table next to the wood stove.
Red sky in morning - sailor take warning. Sunrise with an alpen glow on the new snow.
A very excited Koyuk.
beautiful Cedar
a winter wonderland as seen from a warm house

Willy can't get enough snow.
Koyuk in the morning light