BrownStone Chinooks is devoted to fostering the excellent health and wonderful temperament of Chinook dogs. Hard-working Chinooks excel in many activities such as agility, obedience, back yard play, hiking, dog powered sports, search and rescue, and as service dogs. The affectionate Chinook is an excellent family dog matching its activity level to that of its companions - be it strenuous exercise or snuggling on the couch.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More Snow

Yesterday's sun, rain and hail pretty much put an end to all snow not in the shadows. Sometime last night it snowed again. What's a girl to do when there is no electricity, no heat and new snow? Why take pictures of course. Breakdancin' Willy.
They love to lick the fresh snow. Our new agility courseElectricity is back on and it is snowing hard as I type.