Enough Conjuring for Snow. Next year if we start in July, maybe we’ll get snow during the right season.
The final fix on the heat system was completed at 1636 Monday. While the guys were working, I wrote out my Wednesday to do list: put away snow shovel and cement float used to clean snow off kennel roof; put away ladder supporting horizontal branch on oak tree; plant vegetable seeds; take down curtain from stairway; clean out the wood stove; drain emergency water supply in bathtub; power wash insulation bits off patio; vacuum insulation and tracked in mud; finish cleaning branches off road; start cleaning up branches in yard.
Wednesday - Alas, we did not even make it 11 hours with heat. By 0700 we had 9” of heavy wet snow and no power. It was still snowing hard.

Before breakfast it was start fire, take picture of snow depth and find buried shovel, ladder and float then, clear snow off kennel roof.

While eating breakfast, I called the power company. Twenty-four to seventy-two hours of outage could be expected. The crank-up emergency weather radio predicted 10” to 20” more snow by tomorrow. I shoveled a path to the woodpile and restocked the indoor supply. By the time I tackled the flat roof, the snow changed to freezing rain. I became covered in a layer of ice. The roof became a skating rink. I shoveled to the constant crack and crash of limbs and trees in the yard and woods. This is the same view of the measuring stick after the freezing started.

The dog rig.

Willy making the most of the situation.

After re-shoveling the path to the woodpile reburied by the snow from the roof, I was cold and soaked to the skin. The dogs were more than willing to cuddle up on the bed while I rested and got warm.

By the afternoon it was pouring rain. The snow was way too heavy to run the dog sled so I walked out the road to see if there were any obstacles. Fortunately Uncle Joe was home to help me chainsaw and move the trees. I did get another candlelight dinner out of the day.

Thursday - Awoke this morning to another four inches of snow. The measuring stick only shows one inch gain but the areas I shoveled to the ground have 4” new. Electricity, heat and the Internet were on by 0900 – yeah.

Now where is the potting soil that I put on the path to the greenhouse?