Saturday night Koyuk sorely missed her litter mates making quality sleep - hers and mine - nearly impossible. Life is now improving for both of us. By eliminating her water after her dinner, her pea-size bladder is not filling as frequently. Even though she is in the same puppy condo with the designated paper lined potty side, she insists on going outside - what a smart girl!
Last night, Koyuk even got an hour more sleep than I did. Unfortunately, when I let her out at 0400 there was a small herd of deer in the backyard. Cedar apparently knew they were there and bolted out the door with us. While Koyuk dreamed away, I stayed up until 0530 to let Cedar back in.
catching a much needed nap
Yesterday Koyuk went to Cedar's agility class with her. She got to meet all 8 of the other dogs in the class; be held by all of Cedar's "aunties"; and lick the nostrils of the horses at the arena.
Cedar and Koyuk waiting their turns at agility class
Takotna is now Mulu. She is living in BC, Canada