Today I decided that I would help Ma Nature ripen the tomatoes by cutting away all flowers and unnecessary foliage. My thought (no science behind this) is that the plants will put all the reserves that were going into the jungle of leaves into the green tomatoes. A little fresh air and direct sun couldn't hurt either. Do tomatoes sunburn? Just maybe that is really why they turn red and mine are still green. They have had so little warm sol this summer.
there are tomatoes in there just waiting to ripen
nope - still too much foliage
Well maybe I got a little carried away, but when they do ripen, they will easy to find and pick.
The greens from just 9 plants. I have 10 more to go.
today's harvest
Pictures I did not get: the huge bag of zucchini I snuck into Dave's car for him to take to work; the four pints of green beans (under the tomatoes) I put up; the 5 racks of tomatoes currently drying in the food dryer; and the nice glass of wine I am finally relaxing with.