We should have left a bit later. At about 2 miles into the run the trail became just two deep, too-narrow-for-the-sled ruts. After struggling for a couple more miles, what should have been a loop back to the main trail, dead ended. We had to turn around and climb back up the the main trail.
Sledding on the main trail was easy and fast
After a tough 6 mile run, Team Nookies deserved a good rest.
Soon the other Chinooks were back from their runs. We let all five loose to play together in the snow - something no other breed present could have done.
Getting to know you. |
Play time - still full of energy. |
Jetty was not impressed with the snowman. |
Jane driving a quad behind her 12 dog team while her old dog takes command of her truck. |
"Look at all the new elk tracks!" |
We had a beautiful run along the river on the way home. |
With 1/4 mile to go, the dogs were still pulling but getting tired. I was able to step off the sled to take the picture and walk to catch up to it again. |