(This morning is still milkless and involved good, old perk coffee using my camping coffee pot but blogspot is back to it's normal quirks which I have figured out how to work around - and the ground-laden coffee is not bad).
Last evening Tule Loowit came over for a pup-play-date bearing margaritas for the humans and an overwhelming abundance of energy for the canines.
The dogs and I lounged in the summer sun while waiting for her visit.
"where is Tule?"
We were treated to an amazing aerial show during our wait. Two Osprey and a Red Tailed hawk did battle right over our heads for about 1/2 hour. I don't know if this was a territorial dispute because of the loss of habitat next door or what but, these guys were serious.
The battle included a lot of screaming, dive-bombing and talon clashes with one bird flying upside down. Look closely at this picture and not only can you see the larger hawk chasing the Osprey but the white spot on the far right is actually an Osprey with folded wings dive-bombing the hawk.
After a time Cedar grew tired of the wait and commotion overhead.
TULE IS HERE! Koyuk, Trask and Tule look so much alike. At times their collars are the only way to differentiate them.
A very happy mom Koyuk after her swim with the kids.
Wet and invigorated - back to play
Tule wants Trask's ever present chew bone.
Two and 1/2 hours, miles of zooming, multiple swims later it was time to quiet down and go home. Tule is standing on Trask who is sitting on Greg in this picture.
If I was doing a cute, fictional post, I would end with this picture as being a good-bye kiss. While it was my last picture of the visit, in reality it was just a brief interlude of quiet. The actual good-bye involved frantic howls of protest and me using all my strength to hold Trask back from following screaming Tule down the drive. These two really have a wonderful bond.