BrownStone Chinooks is devoted to fostering the excellent health and wonderful temperament of Chinook dogs. Hard-working Chinooks excel in many activities such as agility, obedience, back yard play, hiking, dog powered sports, search and rescue, and as service dogs. The affectionate Chinook is an excellent family dog matching its activity level to that of its companions - be it strenuous exercise or snuggling on the couch.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Happy 12th Birthday

The BrownStone Christmas Litter was whelped by CH "PR" Frontier Rain Dancer McKenzie, CGC, HIT, NJ, NA (McKenzie) on 12/11/03
 Happy McKenzie and her 8 puppies just after the last one was born.
Looking back through pictures of this litter I picked out a few that typify their 8 weeks before going to their forever homes. McKenzie was such a wonderful mother. She nursed and bathed them until the end.
 Their first adventure on the snow.
Being a winter litter in Oregon, they spent most of their time indoors and soon had the run of the house.
 Like all dogs that have lived here, the landing was a favorite spot.
McKenzie liked to use the bearskin rug to nurse - that is until I noticed that the bears nails, ears and nose had become teething objects.

Everyone sitting tall at the milkbar.

 They spotted McKenzie getting a drink then explored for themselves.
Running around outside the day before the first ones left.
 BrownStone Rogue of Rain at 8 weeks
 Rogue at 12
BrownStone Nala at 8 weeks. Her forever mom, Laura, really wanted a male but Ms Pink followed her everywhere the two days she was here and then parked herself in Laura's suitcase.
BrownStone Nala on her 12th birthday.
 BrownStone Lupin at 7 weeks.
 Birthday steep, long hike to the top of Spenser's butte and birthday nap.
 I have been so lucky to have Lupin in town and as a frequent multiday guest. I couldn't readily find a picture of McKenzie with son Willy and daughter Lupin. These pictures were taken in 2014
 McKenzie, Willy, Cedar, Koyuk and Lupin.
I have lost contact with Parker, Suka. Rest in Peace Willy, Rotor, Copper and McKenzie