BrownStone Chinooks is devoted to fostering the excellent health and wonderful temperament of Chinook dogs. Hard-working Chinooks excel in many activities such as agility, obedience, back yard play, hiking, dog powered sports, search and rescue, and as service dogs. The affectionate Chinook is an excellent family dog matching its activity level to that of its companions - be it strenuous exercise or snuggling on the couch.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Koyuk Update

Today Jeremy and Oscar brought wild girl Willow over for a visit. She is much larger than her mother Cedar and all excited muscle.

I am a couple days late getting Koyuk's pictures and Shanna's update blogged.
Kay Lee,
I took Koyuk to Utah for her first time for Christmas. She's too big for your medium crate now, and as a larger one won't fit in my car Julie Flannery recommended a seatbelt harness. We used that and she didn't have a problem with it. Anyway, she LOVED the snow!
She stayed at my Mom's house, my sister's house, and my Dad's apartment and was great at all of the houses. She is like a niece and granddaughter to my family so everyone was excited to have her. As I mentioned before she was really nervous with kids. I took her to Temple Square amongst loads of people, and my little cousins and she was great. For Christmas I took her to my grandparents with all the family, little kids, food, and everything, and my Grandma said she was a very sweet dog. Near the end she would just sleep next to me.

Thanks again! Shanna