BrownStone Chinooks is devoted to fostering the excellent health and wonderful temperament of Chinook dogs. Hard-working Chinooks excel in many activities such as agility, obedience, back yard play, hiking, dog powered sports, search and rescue, and as service dogs. The affectionate Chinook is an excellent family dog matching its activity level to that of its companions - be it strenuous exercise or snuggling on the couch.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Willy, Cedar, and Lupin took me for a ride on Ferrari while Kirsten, assisted by McKenzie, jogged Klara in the stroller. Lupin soon decided she really wanted to be back with Kirsten and Klara. With their desire to go forward, Willy and Cedar actually pulled Lupin off her feet - not good. We unhooked Lupin and let her run with McKenzie and the stroller. Once there she set her sights on staying up with the other dogs giving Kirsten and McKenzie a good run. The cool morning was great for running. Kirsten urged us all to go up one more hill effectively lengthening our run to somewhere between 1 1/2 and 2 miles.This time of year until late next spring, the sun only briefly reaches our back yard. Even though the light was far from perfect, I could not resist taking pictures.