BrownStone Chinooks is devoted to fostering the excellent health and wonderful temperament of Chinook dogs. Hard-working Chinooks excel in many activities such as agility, obedience, back yard play, hiking, dog powered sports, search and rescue, and as service dogs. The affectionate Chinook is an excellent family dog matching its activity level to that of its companions - be it strenuous exercise or snuggling on the couch.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Friday, Koyuk went to her new home and dad. Her owner got married and moved to an apartment while Koyuk was here. I do get to borrow her for mushing this winter. She is a special girl.No posts this week. Dave was on vacation and my wonderful life routine was seriously thrown off. I am not saying I did not love the fact that Dave actually took a "vacation" and was home - I did. He just schedules his days differently than I do.Dave is fully awake and ready to go by 0530. I am used to a leisurely start to my day at a much more reasonable hour. When he goes to bed, I am hitting my stride on household chores and creativity. He can't stay up later. I can't go to sleep before midnight and struggle to function during the early morning hours.Dave does not take vacations like normal working people. He has to be within easy driving distance from home and likes to be in his own bed at night. In 33 years, I have gotten him to take 6, week long, away from home, vacations. (Actually, I have no excuse to whine. This time last year we did not know if Dave would ever be able to go to work again.)This year's vacation was a honey-do week. The plan was to get all the fall chores done. It did rain all week. But, we did get a lot done...
We met with the 9 new and 5 returning Jr. Ski Patrollers and their families. The winter wood is mostly split and stacked. The road is graded. The huge boulders framing another garden are in place. Most of the garlic is planted and many of the garden weeds pulled. Lawn furniture is away for another year.
Saturday it was briefly Sunny. I took my camera for a walk on a friend's property.One thing not done this "vacation" was the canning. Tomatoes, pears and apples are just now getting ripe enough to process. Guess I'll be spending this week putting up winter's food - on my own easy morning schedule.