BrownStone Chinooks is devoted to fostering the excellent health and wonderful temperament of Chinook dogs. Hard-working Chinooks excel in many activities such as agility, obedience, back yard play, hiking, dog powered sports, search and rescue, and as service dogs. The affectionate Chinook is an excellent family dog matching its activity level to that of its companions - be it strenuous exercise or snuggling on the couch.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Season of Red

With the rain, Fall started yesterday around here. As I madly rushed the last chores in the garden, it dawned on me that this is the season of red.

Red chain saw and Dave with red chaps cutting up firewood.

My red tractor scurrying about.

50 pounds of tomatoes with any hint of red brought up from the garden to ripen indoors.The dogs wore red to (hopefully) avoid being shot the opening day of hunting season. Not that they moved far from their couch. It was raining after all. The first fall storm left my summer faded flag tattered. I hung a new red, white and blue.

Leaves on the trees turning red.
The peppers on the plants moved into the greenhouse are turning red.

Not red: naked tomatoes. That experiment was a flop. Tomatoes on the plants I totally denuded were a shriveled orange.