Today's mail included a get-well card created by my great niece and a house guest. Both girl's wore more paint than the paper.
Sorry Lind, your neat arrangement of the refrigerator door chaos is becoming a memory.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Good News
Today we got wonderful news from the cardiologist. Just last week the prognosis was grim but the nuclear scans showed that there is a lot of viable muscle to work with and Dave can get better. Of course, he is still on a yucky, bland diet and lots of pills but they are working. Dave's first question was if he could run rescue boat for the harvest regatta. The answer was "yes". The next was about going up to the ski area - "wait a few weeks and see how things are progressing at this altitude, but probably yes if you take it easy and don't try to carry anything up there" is what I heard. All Dave heard was "yes in a couple of weeks". While at the office he did an exercise stress test treadmill and actually did better than expected. The endorphins released during the test have us both on cloud nine. We are already on vacation so another week of rest and gradual increase in exercise will go a long way toward going back to work. We will both sleep well tonight. This has been a long month.