Friday, August 13, 2010
Right at Home
Willow has made herself right at home. Last evening she spent a couple hours picking out toys to play with. As soon as she was bored, she would go back to the basket and dig for something else. Finally she just jumped in the basket spilling contents (including a long missing shoe) like a Thanksgiving cornucopia.
When we went to bed, Willow was a bit distressed at being in her crate. We really needed sleep so I opened the crate door. She settled down nicely. The dogs routinely play musical beds at night, taking turns on the dog bed next to me; in one of the three crates: or in bed with us. Our bed is quite high. I figured Willow could not make the leap. Much to my surprise, I awoke to Willow's kisses and the other three dogs each trying to have the most body contact with me. Yup - Willow is right at home.