The Florida Mud Dogs Mud Run Rampage has nothing on the BrownStone Mud Dogs Mud Run Rampage. The Cascade litter marathon started with a full tilt run up the hill. They then traversed over rocks;
carb-loaded on wild fare;
squeezed through tight dark tunnels and thick underbrush;
and most grueling of all: they tackled the pond cliff and creek delta mud.
the fast, head first, slide to the bottom (done on purpose and repeated often.)
This pup blazed her own trail off the cliff into the water below. (I have a hunch her route was more a surprise than intended).
Finally, they had to recon with mom Koyuk who tried vainly to clean each one.
Even with help from other pups, the mud prevailed.
The last leg of the marathon involved the puppy swim pool, a hose and stack of towels.
While waiting her turn, Ms Pink added an extra lap complete with dragging her wash cloth with her.
When all the puppies were captured, cleaned, dried and fed, I put in a desperate call for fence material. Dave and the local road crew came through with a run-off barier.
Once loaded with agility equipment and toys, hopefully the new enclosure will satisfy and contain the Mud Dog Warriors.