I caught the 0600 feeding frenzy on my i-Pad. Of course I didn't have a clue how to take a video, let alone save, edit and share it. Dave got me the i-Pad so I could work on the computer downstairs while hanging around the whelping box. Man, have I got a lot to learn. I still haven't figured out my i-Phone. I may have to make tech lessons an entry fee for puppy visitors - hint-hint.
This morning I think I have finally figured out how to get the unedited feeding frenzy onto the blog. If you can actually view the video, please ignore the morning dirty linens.
Other pictures from the day:
Nap after the linen change ordeal.
Arthur took a U-turn when he got a whiff.
The milkbar proved more fruitful.
Washington once again climbing to the top of the puppy pile for a softer night sleep.
The puppy eyes are opening but definitely not yet focusing. This will probably be the last day I can use the flash on the camera. With increased ambulation ability, traffic pile-ups and protests are becoming more frequent and make for amusing entertainment.
Between the 2100 and 0100 Koyuk feedings, I took a break to just sit snuggling individual puppies while I clipped nails; put the pups in various positions until protests diminished and; inhaled puppy breath.