Our guess of definitely 5, probably 6, maybe 7 whelps was wrong. Eight puppies, 3 boys and 5 girls were born to Moonsong Cedar River Touchdown today. Cedar labored for 7 hours prior to having a pretty hard time with the first breech pup and the second immature pup. After that, the next 5 pups came in rapid succession about 15 minutes apart. Fifty-four minutes later, with fresh linens in the whelping box and supplies cleaned up Cedar surprised us with a last large boy. Dave was walking by the whelping box on his way to help me tube feed the two small puppies when he noticed that the linens were wet. Then he saw the pup without rick rack.
The two little ones are in the warming box; being tube fed; and have a sour cream container, oxygen mask to share. About midnight, Ms Red finally latched onto Cedar for a good drink. Mr Teal still has not figured out the nursing thing. He is the least developed of the pups. We are going to do what we can to keep them alive. Both are starting to show some strength and definitely have lungs and voices.
McKenzie and Willy are having a hard time restraining themselves from joining the little ones in the whelping box. The least little noise and their heads are over the sides ready to come to aid.
To keep with the Iditarod theme, I got a stuffed Arctic animal that might be seen along the trail for each of the pups. Taking their first picture proved to be a challenge as they all rapidly scampered about.
12 oz Ms. Pink - Willow
5 oz Mr Teal - Nikolai
13 oz Ms Yellow - Tokotna
5 oz Ms Red - Galena
16 oz Mr Blue - Kaltag
14 oz Ms Orange - Koyuk
11 oz Ms White - Elim
13 oz Mr Green - Nome