Koyuk seems to be thinking: "missing one"...
and "I can take it, I can take it, ouch, I can take it."She was actually bleeding from a tooth cut along her nipple.
Moonsong Cedar River (Cedar) and Moonsong Ms Silver.
Nookies from Loowit.
Pahto discovered apples.
Loowit pretty in Pink.
Studly Wy'east.
The only time Karuk was slow enough to get a picture.
Mazama out for the count.
Eat, play, sleep, eat... I keep telling Koyuk it is OK to stop nursing but Ma Nature has a hold on her.
New surface for the day: old wood pile. Karuk and Pahto are checking out the new playground. Klah enjoying climbing and tasting.
Nookies for Cedar from Pahto.
Koyuk finally got to play with the kids.
Take down.
Time to go in. McKenzie leading the way to dinner.